We have a tentative date! Saturday, September 20, 9 AM.
Something this fun involves a bunch of volunteers. Let us know if you want to help. It’s a pretty great feeling to give people a day to celebrate our beautiful Three Rivers Trail and raise a little money to connect it to the Prairie Rivers Trails in Webster County. Here are just some of the volunteer jobs waiting for you:
- Editing promotional text (30 minutes every month or so)
- Selling raffle tickets (sell one or sell one-hundred; it’s all gravy!)
- Soliciting raffle items (approach one business or approach several)
- Soliciting sponsors (same as above; it’s an easy sell for this good cause)
- Updating website (30 minutes every month or so)
- Rider-packet making (90 minutes)
- Registering riders (2 hours)
- Directing riders on ride day (1 hour to 6 hours, depending on your availability)
- Serving as a Humboldt Hardpack Board Member (we meet monthly at TractorLift about 8 months out of the year; meetings usually last about 1.5 beers)
If you want to get in on supporting the Humboldt Hardpack, email us at info@threeriverstrail.org or message us on Facebook.
Check back for more information.